Tag Archives: Isaiah 53

Questions Allowed

If the resurrection of Christ is explicitly revealed in the Old Testament, why hasn’t everyone jumped on the Jesus bandwagon?  In today’s “Next Question Please“, that’s exactly what I’ll be looking at and you can bet I’ve got a question or two about it.

In an article posted on Bible.org, Charles Bing, writing on how to clearly communicate the gospel, shares a passage attributed to Paul, an early apostle of Jesus Christ.  It identifies information about Jesus, that Paul is passing on.  Two key components are that Christ died for our sins and that he later rose from the dead.  Regarding both points, Paul asserts that the Old Testament attests to his statements.

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Charles includes several locations in the Old Testament Scriptures that pictured or predicted the first point; the suffering of Jesus.  About the second point, he wrote, “It is harder to find the resurrection of Christ in the OT. However it is there not only explicitly,” and then he gives verses to support that statement (Psalm 16:8-11 and Psalm 110:1), “but also implicitly” in the 53rd chapter of Isaiah.  He concludes, “the implication is clearly that He rose from the dead.”

I’m convinced of two things.  Jesus did suffer, die and rise again, and some people will have questions because they won’t see the clear implication Mr. Bing describes.  I’ll bet if I searched online I’d find posts and articles posing questions and expressing doubt about each of the passages referred to in Mr. Bing’s article.  But I’m not going to do that, at least not right now, because I’d rather hear those questions and doubts from you.  That of course puts you in the vulnerability chair but I hope you’ll reach out in trust and share what’s on your heart.  If it would help, I’ve written fairly extensively, on this site, about how I try and respond to questions and concerns people have, so perhaps reading through that section would be a good first step.